A fable or a fairytale? Take your pick.

This lovely little book The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho is one that I obviously missed in my earlier years as the version that I have just read was the 10th Anniversary edition. This amazing little book holds the world record for the most translated book of a living author. This story, dazzling in its powerful…

A French affair

A recent read was An Officer and a Spy by Robert Harris.  This book was bought by my husband as he is a keen reader of Robert Harris. He was not disappointed with this latest book and neither was I. From the cover: January 1895. On a freezing morning in the heart of Paris, an…

A “new” book from the library

The lives of Stella Bain by Anita Shreve for my Historical Fiction Reading Challenge 2014 This is the first book I have read by this author and although I have seen copies of her books in the library and in bookshops I have neither borrowed nor bought one until now. I chose this book at…

Tuesday travels. . . National Railway Museum York

We had visited York on our first trip to the UK in 2003 but we didn’t visit the National Railway Museum so we were insistent that we visit on our trip in 2012.  We were lucky because my brother and sister-in-law were staying in a house swap in Yorkshire and we spent several days with…

The eyes have it!

I have had a week of difficulty with my eyes.  It has made me realise that I am not a very patient person when it comes to illness.  A week ago I was working in the garden and afterwards I had a sore eye.  It felt as though there was something in my eye but…