A collection of library books

I had a visit to the library yesterday to pick up a book I had reserved.  I can never come away from the library with just one book. This is my collection from yesterday. The Mark of the Assassin is a recommendation from “A little Fluff”, the book, Not the Same Sky was a recommendation from…

You don’t send a gentleman to catch vermin

You send Hawkwood. Ratcatcher by James McGee is one for my Historical Fiction Reading Challenge 2014. From the cover: Hunting down highwaymen was not the usual preserve of a Bow Street Runner.  As the most resourceful of this elite band of investigators, Matthew Hawkwood was surprised to be assigned the case – even if it…

“Freeform”, I think that allows for mistakes.

Freeform Rhubarb and Strawberry Pie, I like the sound of “freeform” as it seems to allow for mistakes.:-) I posted previously how we had a huge crop of rhubarb which I harvested and froze, well, since then the rhubarb has regrown and suffered disastrously in the heat but there was still sufficient rhubarb for me…

Happiness is. . . .a surprise gift

I received this hamper in the mail today. What a surprise!Thank you so much.  You know my love of cider and you know who you are. 🙂

Tuesday travels. . . Whitby, Dracula and Captain Cook

While staying in Yorkshire we took the opportunity to visit Whitby, a coastal town that has a link to Australia.Captain James Cook served his apprenticeship in Whitby and when he set off on his voyage of discovery to Australia he set sail on the Endeavour, a Whitby built collier.  There is a Captain Cook Memorial…

Are you sitting down?

Because I was unwell recently I did more sitting down than I would normally do.  I am glad I am now back doing my morning walk and more physical activity.  Mind you I did get a great deal of reading done during the time I was unwell. This is from Buzzfeed.com and gives some excellent…