Finally a Fair Isle Fisherman’s Kep on the go.

I am part of the closed group on Facebook for The Fair Isle Fishermen’s Kep Page and if you are a member of the group you can purchase a pattern for the kep.  The pattern is provided by Anne Sinclair and it is very easy to follow. This is a kep that we saw at…

Early morning call

Received an excited Facetime call from our granddaughter this morning.  She had lost her first tooth and wanted to share with us.  There is happiness in every day. The joys of grandchildren.

Some sewing for a change

One of my bike riding friends has discovered the joy of knitting and has embraced the craft wholeheartedly.  She has been completing items so quickly she has become an expert in a short time.  She is quickly accumulating a collection of knitting needles so I thought it would be a good idea to make her…

A finished fluffy

I am not sure if this is a successful knit.  I feel sure that it will stretch with use but as the only real cost was the buttons the actual cardigan is a bonus.  I hope my granddaughter gets some use out of it. The pattern I used was Patons Classic Knits, high buttoning cardigan. …

More bedsocks

I bought the wool for the main part of the socks so the only stash wool used was the little bit for heel, toe and cuff.  These socks knit up much quicker than my usual pattern which is done in 4 ply, these are 8 ply.  

An unusual read for me

I am not someone who reads fantasy or books that involve ghosts but I became thoroughly hooked by this book after I persevered with the first fifty or so pages. The book was one I borrowed from a member of our bookclub.  We swap our books when we meet and talk about books we have…