An old cookbook in our collection

The Presbyterian Cookery Book of Good and Tried Recipes was bought in 1975, the year we were married. I am not sure if it was the tartan on the cover that prompted the purchase or the fact that it was Presbyterian based or maybe even the recommendations on the back of the book? Anyway the…

A slipper of sorts

This unusual looking item is a type of slipper.  I have been using stash wool to make these using the wool double to get the appropriate thickness. The colours vary but the resulting slipper is fine.

An escape before stage 3 again

I managed to get away for a weekend of bike riding with the Bike Chicks.  We were fortunate to get a trip as we are in an area of Victoria with no active cases of COVID19 and travel was permitted within Victoria outdside the exclusion zone of metropolitan Melbourne. We had booked a stay at…

Knitting in unusual times

I have been thanking my lucky stars that I am someone who enjoys knitting and crochet. During this pandemic it has been a blessing for me.  I have managed to create a few items and the most recent is one that I would not otherwise have knitted. A couple of months ago I purchased some…