Misty Metung and some Spring pictures

I have started back into my morning walk routine.  The day before yesterday Chinamans Creek was rather misty and the weather was quite cool.  The previous night we had a decent amount of rain so that should help the garden.  Everywhere is so dry here that we really need several days worth of rain. Lake…

Happenings in Metung

The most recent upgrade to happen in the village will be the extension of the boardwalk on the edge of Bancroft Bay.  The boardwalk is to be extended to Chinaman’s Creek.  The first sign of action is the erection of some temporary fencing and a sign stating what it is for. When this is completed…

A bike ride

It is a couple of weeks since I was last on my bike so it was good to get our for a rideon the weekend.  I went for a ride with two other women and we rode what we call the Metung loop.  I then doubled back a bit on my own and did a…

Tuesday Travels. . . .Misty Metung

Today’s Tuesday Travels is close to home. Yesterday I set off on my morning walk a little earlier than usual and was surprised by how misty it was. I headed towards the lake for my walk and had a wander through the Metung Bushland Reserve before coming out on Metung Road down by the edge…