Some recent reads in September

Persuader by Lee Child This is book #7 in the Jack Reacher series.   I find this series is very easy reading and this one was no exception.  The one thing that stood out for me in this novel was the amount of technical information that was included about guns – not my cup of tea…

My last books of 2018

  A few books to add to the Reading Challenge I set for 2018.  I aimed to read 104 books during the year but only managed 75.  It is still a few more books than the previous year.  I am not sure what my Reading Challenge will be for 2019.  I will need to get…

Reading seems to have been top priority lately

I have read so many books recently I need to add them to my 2017 Reading Challenge. There have been more Elmore Leonard books and Stella Rimington plus a few other authors. Road Dogs, Up In Honey’s Room, Riding the Rap all by Elmore Leonard.  These are all very quick reads with fast moving plot…

Books read so far this year.

The Tour Down Under starts this week so it seems appropriate that the first book in this post is a cycling one.  Robbie McEwan is famous in the Australian cycling circle as he has won the Green Jersey in the Tour de France three times.  He retired a few years ago but is still heavily…