Reading seems to have been top priority lately

I have read so many books recently I need to add them to my 2017 Reading Challenge.

There have been more Elmore Leonard books and Stella Rimington plus a few other authors.

Road Dogs, Up In Honey’s Room, Riding the Rap all by Elmore Leonard.  These are all very quick reads with fast moving plot and plenty of action.

Close Call, The Geneva Trap, Rip Tide all by Stella Rimington.  I love her books and am now searching for a copy of her biography which is apparently out of print.  I have tried at my local library and secondhand bookstore but without any luck.  I will try the secondhand bookshops next time I visit Canberra.  I might have more luck there.

Cockroaches by Jo Nesbo.  I have read many Jo Nesbo books.  This is the second book he wrote in the series but the translation wasn’t published until late in the series as the American publishers thought it wasn’t up to much.  I enjoyed it.

cockroachesThe unidentified Redhead by Alice Clayton.  This was absolute rubbish.  I persisted and read to the end but I returned books 2 & 3 to the library.  Just not my cup of tea.

unidentified-redheadThe Dark Flood by Margaret Drabble.  This book was great.  About growing old and the prospect of death.  How different characters deal with the possibilities of their future.  Quite funny in parts.  Certainly worth a read.  I mentioned it here.

The dark flood risesI am currently reading the book I got for my library blind date and will post about it later.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Lorna says:

    I haven’t read any Jo Nesbo, perhaps I should give him a try. Like you, I’ve recently read several Stella Rimington books and am currently part way through Close Call. It’s a pity you can’t get her autobiography from the library but it’s available on Amazon second-hand for £0.01 plus delivery charges, if you’re interested.

    1. suth2 says:

      Thanks for that Lorna. I will check out Amazon right now.

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