Emily’s memory game

I am in the process of making some Christmas gifts.  I have just finished making this fabric memory game which I found on Purl Soho. I have loads of scraps from sewing over the years and for my granddaughter I tried to choose scraps that had some link to things I had made for the…


As a follow up to my  post on fonts here is a link to a wonderful blog called The Design Files.  They did a post on the book Characters by Stephen Banham which is about typography in and around Melbourne. The media release for the book can be found here.

Just my type

At the moment I am reading Just My Type by Simon Garfield. My copy has the second book jacket. I heard about this book on The Book Show on ABC.  If you want to listen to the podcast you can do so here.  I have been interested in fonts since I did a sign writing…


Today while my husband and I were down in the village, we spotted a group of kayaks on the shore of the lake. We decided to go and have a closer look. We found out that it was a group of students from Maffra Secondary College and they were preparing to paddle over to Boole…

Caleb’s Crossing

I have just finished reading Caleb’s Crossing by Geraldine Brooks.   I am a fan of Geraldine Brooks, having read all of her books with the exception of Foreign Correspondence.  Caleb’s Crossing, loosely based on fact, is the story of both Bethia and Caleb.  The story is told through the voice of Bethia, daughter of…