What happened to the Sisterhood?

Cauldrons and Cupcakes “Nobody objects to a woman being a good writer or sculptor or geneticist if at the same time she manages to be a good wife, a good mother, good-looking, good-tempered, well-dressed, well-groomed, and unaggressive.”  ~ Marya Mannes I briefly thought about titling this post ‘Sisters, don’t be Bitches!’… It is somewhat surprising…

Autumn has reached Metung.

The trees are turning beautiful colours and the burning off that is taking place has provided some lovely sunsets with eerie light. I have at long last been able to get a towbar on the car so I can now put my bike on the back rather than taking the wheel off, folding down the…

With thanks . . . .to Books and bowel movements

One of the blogs I follow is called Books and bowel movements. It is a fantastic blog and the young blogger, Cassie, who is a teacher, must spend ages looking for all the many links that she provides to various aspects of books, literature, reading and all things associated with reading. I love the blog…

Tuesday travels. . .Colchester Castle Museum

When we were in Colchester we spent almost a full day in the Castle Museum. We had visited the castle grounds on the previous evening and were keen to explore the museum when it was open the following morning. The displays in the museum were excellent and I specifically liked the fact that serious trouble…

Family Tree DNA – Caithness and Sutherland

I loved the cover of this book as the genetic code is set to resemble the Forth Railway Bridge, very clever.  My reason for including this book is the fact that I have been reading about a particular project taking place to trace the genetic code of Scottish folk. One of the columns on my…

A highland fling, not a dance but a romance

I have to admit that the title of this book was what motivated me to purchase it at the Metung Book Fair. For fifty cents I got a light-hearted romance and an enjoyable read. The story is set in the highlands of Scotland and involves a virtual assistant and the closing down of an ailing…