Turning the laundry into a better place!

When we moved into our present home all the home decorating had been done in PEACH.  There was peach absolutely everywhere.  Slowly we have managed to redecorate but the bathroom and the ensuite still have to be renovated.  We are leaving that for the professionals to do.  In the meantime I have started work on…

Frogging is now being made into chevrons

A while back I posted about frogging a jumper that I had knitted many years ago.  I had frogged the wool but hadn’t got around to washing it so the wool memory would be lost. I have now washed the wool. I also needed to purchase some yellow wool for the project I was about…

Strawberries and Cream. . . .my dad’s favourite.

(photo from the Herald Sun) According to the blog   Foodimentary which is all about food history, origins, and celebrations. The ancient Romans believed that strawberries alleviated symptoms of melancholy, fainting, all inflammations, fevers, throat infections, kidney stones, bad breath, attacks of gout, and diseases of the blood, liver and spleen. Now I just need to come up…

Tuesday travels. . . .Wetherby and Ripon

Wetherby was our second port of call on our trip heading north to Scotland. We stayed the night at a lovely pub called The Royal Oak. We hadn’t booked accommodation so it was purely by chance that we stayed here. There was rugby on television that night and the bar ended up being quite crowded…

The French Promise. . . oh to be in Paris!

This book was given to me by my husband on Mothers’ Day. It is often difficult to chose an appropriate book for someone other than yourself but this time my husband was bang on the money!  It was a great read.  Again I have come to a book which is not the first but the…

A couple of finished projects. . . what’s the next project?

With the Giro d’Italia on television recently it means I have managed to get quite a bit of knitting done.  Bed time not being until the early hours of the morning! I have finally finished the Pickles brioche stitch dress I was making for my granddaughter. It doesn’t look much when it is laid out…