Another terrific Australian novel

Scrublands is a quintessential Australian novel.  I loved this book. This review by Sue Turnball in the Sydney Morning Herald says all that needs to be said about the novel. “Scrublands is the epic novel about rural life in Australia that we need right now. In its concern with crime beyond the suburban fringe, it…

You must read this book.

The Eye of the Sheep by Sofie Laguna was the Miles Franklin Winner in 2015. Wow! This book left me moved. Initially I thought it was just another book about a child with Asperger’s Syndrome but it was so much more. It was heart breaking. I felt so deeply for the young boy I just…

No, I didn’t forget

I didn’t forget to set my Garmin. Today I went for a bike ride and it was the first ride for a while.  It was certainly good to get back on the bike.  Four of us did the ride today. We rode 35.17 kms so a bit short of the 50 km we will be…

Latest reading update

Not so many books in the last while as I was reading a couple of books at the same time. The 19th Wife by David Ebershoff was a book of some 514 pages so it took me a while.  It is a fiction but incorporates many historical facts re the Church of the Latter Day…