A bit of frogging took place.

I knitted this jumper many, many years ago and the time has come for it to be recycled. The pattern was knitted at a time when things were loose and bulky and that look is definitely not in anymore. The jumper looks dirty in the photo but it was just shadows. The colour is also…

Tartan and Tweed

One of my recent borrowings from the local library was this wonderful book entitled Tartan and Tweed. Tartan and Tweed, a well illustrated book, gives the history of tartan and tweed from their beginnings in the Scottish Highlands to their popularity and use in contemporary fashion design, music, art and film. When they were talking…

A shirt from an old pattern I had used in times long gone

I had bought this fabric when I bought the Ikat fabric and I thought I would make a shirt dress with it but then decided I would just make a shirt.  I had a pattern I had used many years ago and so cut out the fabric using that pattern. It was all going beautifully…

Where did you get that hat?

We recently had one of our granddaughters visiting us and we enjoyed seeing her unbridled enthusiasm. I know I love visiting Spotlight, our local haberdashery store, but our granddaughter took us to parts of the store that I haven’t ventured into.  She loved all the bright shiny things and was carrying around her pretend money…

The Victoria and Albert Museum. . . . . . Tuesday Travels

The first year we visited London in 2003 we were only there for a few days and we managed to cram lots of tourist activities into that time.  One of the museums that we didn’t manage to visit was the V&A so I put that to right this time around.  While based in Swindon I…

Is your wardrobe in crisis?

We were in Melbourne recently and when there I always visit the bookshops.  I have been fairly good this year in limiting my book buying and tend to use the library more frequently but I couldn’t pass up the chance to go to the bookshops and of course there were books I wanted to buy….