Love the title of this book.

I love the title of this book but when I read the book and found this particular sentence I had an incredible feeling of sadness. Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal? is a memoir about a life’s work to find happiness. It’s a book full of stories: about a girl locked out of…

Two recent reads

I have finished reading Rod Laver a memoir and Parky my autobiography.  One book borrowed from my sister and the other from my older brother. Rod Laver was given to me after I finished reading the Andre Agassi biography.  My sister thought that I would like to read the life story of another tennis great,…

Most of us have been on a diet at some stage in our lives.

I have just finished reading The Diet Myth by Tim Spector and by sheer coincidence there was a television program on SBS television last night about that very thing. If you are in Australia you can find the TV program on SBS On Demand here. My husband bought the book after listening to a radio…

A fictional woman or fictional women?

I have recently finished reading a non-fiction book by the crime-fiction writer Tara Moss. She has written several crime-fiction novels and is a successful writer of fiction.  I have read several of her crime fiction novels and I have now read her first non-fiction book which is called The Fictional Woman. Tara Moss has worn…

Is your wardrobe in crisis?

We were in Melbourne recently and when there I always visit the bookshops.  I have been fairly good this year in limiting my book buying and tend to use the library more frequently but I couldn’t pass up the chance to go to the bookshops and of course there were books I wanted to buy….

An eye opening autobiography

This particular non-fiction book was recommended to me by my older brother.  What an excellent recommendation.  It was a fantastic book. I had to wait for the book to come into the library as it was out on loan.  I made a reservation and had to wait a few weeks before it became available.  It…