East Gippsland Pest Control. . .peace of mind.

I have been working on the exterior of the house getting it prepared for painting and had noticed a great deal of insect activity around the house.  My husband assured me that they were just ants, sugar ants and small black ants.  I was not to be reassured as we have railway sleepers at the…

An unusual version of dip and chips.

My nephew posted a cartoon a few days ago and it provided the link to this great blog.  I have selected a couple of cartoons for your enjoyment. This cartoon is very clever.  Now why have I never thought of this when I see a “dip” road sign?  I guess that is why I am…

Jo Nesbo . . . .The Oslo Trilogy

This trilogy I read while I was overseas but I am going to include it in my A-Z Book Challenge for the letter N, author. I have previously reviewed a Nesbo book here.  This time I downloaded the trilogy to my iphone for reading while overseas; much lighter than three books. The three books did…

Upcycling sculptures

Originally posted on Chicquero:
Amazing toy sculptures by the Australian artist Freya Jobbins. Provocative, funny and disturbing at the same time, Jobbins has re-purposed old children’s dolls in an unusual way, by assembling them into three dimensional portraits known as ‘dollfaces’. Freya uses the toys in a way to create caricature-like facial features of a somewhat grotesque nature. An impressive sculptural…

An unexpected visit to the city centre of Melbourne.

I have just returned from two days in Melbourne.  I love visiting Melbourne.  This time I went down to visit a Craft and Sewing Show, being held at the Caulfield Race Course, which turned out to be extremely disappointing.  I have been to a Quilt Show in Melbourne previously and had a wonderful time but…

Canberra again. . . this time with Bison Australia.

This time when we were in Canberra we stayed in a hotel, we usually stay at our daughter’s but there was a big birthday party happening there! The hotel we stayed at was known as Olims and the Hotel Ainslie when we lived in Canberra, it is now the Mercure. It is one of Canberra’s…