Trying to reduce my stash of wool.

This little jacket/coat was a very quick project that has used up some wool I had in my stash. I had bought the wool for the Owl Jumper I knitted for my daughter but when I did the tension swatch I discovered it was nowhere near the correct tension so went for different wool. The…

Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet

Just finished reading Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford.  A wonderful novel about many things; love lost, father-son relationships, the Japanese in America during the war and old conflicts. From the book jacket: “In 1986, Henry Lee joins a crowd outside the Panama Hotel, once the gateway to Seattle’s Japantown….

An old alphabet poem, missing parts.

I have mentioned previously how my dad liked poetry and this is the alphabet poem he knew as a child. Unfortunately there are parts of it that he couldn’t remember. I have tried various sources on the internet to find this poem but without success. Perhaps there is someone out there who can fill in…

Clearing out my drawers!

This exhibition caught my eye because it is being held at Ladybank Station. I grew up in Ladybank. Claire Heminsley is a textile artist and drawer and you can find more information about her here.

Knitting goes quickly when the cricket is on television.

This particular pattern is from a stack of patterns I have accumulated over the years.  I had finished my previous project and was looking for a new one when I found that this cardigan had been marked with a post-it-note.  I assumed that my elder daughter had marked it when she had been looking through…