Originally posted on Catastrophic Findings:
Here’s a fun little test that one of my Twitter buds shared recently. It tells you how good (or bad) you are with your money. I found myself laughing out loud at some of the questions.  i.e. “Have you, or would you ever try, to haggle in a charity shop?” I…

Why I want to visit Shetland

Jamieson and Smith is a well known company in the community of knitters. I first encountered them when I made a shawl for my first grandchild.  The wool was from Jamieson and Smith but the strangest part about it was that I actually bought the wool from Canada!  I bought the wool on the internet…

End of the wasp season

I have just finished this book but it is not in my A-Z Book Challenge.  I had listened to a review on the ABC Book show and it sounded as though it would make a good read so I have given it a go.  This was a great read.  It is crime fiction and the…

An advent calendar made from scraps.

When my kids were little we used to buy an advent calendar that was made of cardboard and had chocolate behind each of the doors.  Having three children they had to take turns at opening the door for the particular day. Last year I made an Advent calendar for our house  This year I have…

Laughter is the best medicine.

A wonderful bit of humour. Thanks to Beautiful Railway Bridge of the Silvery Tay for reminding me of this great series.