A new project on the go

I was in Melbourne recently and my daughter took me to a wonderful wool shop in Hastings. Little Woolie Makes. The shop has an amazing array of wools with many from overseas that are expensive to buy if you buy direct from overseas as you have to pay postage. It is also good to be…

A new skill

During the Tour de France I have been knitting a jumper for my elder daughter.  There is only tonight to go and the Tour will be finished.  I managed to finish the jumper today but I had to learn a new skill in order to finish the jumper.  The skill I have mastered is Italian…

Getting ready

I have my Tour Guide and this is what was in a parcel I received last week.  I am preparing for a month’s television viewing as it is soon to be the start of the Tour de France. The package contained beautiful wool. I am just waiting for the second lot of wool as this…

Different socks

I have done some sock knitting in the past few months and the socks I have knitted have been a bit different to those I usually knit. These are the usual socks I knit which are 4ply and from a multicoloured ball of wool. This time I knitted some 8ply socks for my grandson.  He…

One skein of wool

I recently visited, with my sister-in-law, our local wool shop in Lakes Entrance, Stitches ‘n’ Things. My sister-in-law likes to visit this shop when she comes to visit us.  She invariably buys a fair amount of wool as she doesn’t have such a great selection where she lives. I said I would go along with…

Using more stashed wool.

I have done some more knitting recently, other than socks and wash cloths.  I used up some of my stash of wool to make a cardigan for one of our granddaughters.  I had quite a lot of the creamy white wool and I had some mauve which I used to make up the amount I…