Tuesday Travels. . . Inverness

I was reliving memories of my childhood visits to Inverness when we came across Inverness station.  My elder sister was in charge of me when we both traveled by train to our uncle’s croft at Boultach in Caithness.  Dad would drop us at Perth where we caught the train to Inverness.  We had to change…

Tuesday Travels. . .Whaligoe Steps, Caithness

On the map the Whaligoe Steps can be found at  “The Haven”. When we returned to mainland Scotland after our trip to Shetland we stayed with my cousins at Burrigle, Forse.  We were fortunate to have our cousins show us around the lesser known parts of the countryside and the Whaligoe Steps were something I…

Fixing broken links in the DNA post

I was checking the blog posts that had been viewed recently and part of that is looking at what links had been clicked.  I discovered that there were a couple of broken links on a post that I did a few years ago so I have fixed the links and here is the repaired post….

Memories jolted by desktop photo

The desktop on my home computer has a flow of photos which have been loaded onto the computer over the years.  Yesterday one of the photos that came on the screen was this one. It is an aerial photo of the village where I grew up.  The village is Ladybank, Fife and the photo was…

So many happy memories

A while back I posted about a book I had borrowed from the library.  The book was Hebrides by Peter May you can find the post here.This is a photograph from the book.  The reason I show the photograph is that it rekindled so many happy childhood memories. My dad was born at Boultach on…

Great Tapestry of Scotland 93-123

The incredible Great Tapestry of Scotland. Kate Davies has blogged about all of the panels. I have reblogged 93-123 because it has Newhaven fisherfolk and a Caithness School. My mum’s family were fisherfolk and my dad went to a Caithness School.