A dilapidated door

This particular door is the entry to my workroom.  The door is in a poor state.  The glass rattles when you open and close the door and the paint is peeling. I am going to attempt to repair the door but as I started to do so it led to many other issues.  I thought…

A follow up to my sewing room post from November.

When I wrote this post in November I was catching up on some framing that I had let lie for far too long.  I can now say that those particular projects are finished.  I had to wait for a little while as I needed to reorder some framing tape for the back of the frames…

Some work in the sewing room.

I finally have got round to doing some framing work.  I have lots of bits and pieces in the shed/studio/sewing room which need to be used.  I have been putting off a few projects as I have been busy in the garden because things are growing so quickly with the amount of rain we have…

Some renovation required

I forgot to take a picture before I started taking off the old brushwood on this archway but now that I have, you can see where paint is required before I put on new brushwood.  When I painted originally the brushwood was attached to the wood so I could only paint up as far as…

Fixing the ceiling on the portico.

The ceiling on the portico in front of our house was replaced a few years ago.  When it was replaced the new ceiling looked terrific and we were delighted with the result. Move on a couple of years and a few heavy rainstorms over time and the ceiling was beginning to look a bit suspect….

An essential trip to Perry Bridge for tomatoes

Tomato sauce is an essential for my younger daughter’s family.  I make the sauce which has become the firm favourite for the family.  We had been hoping to get sauce tomatoes from the local greengrocer but the price was a bit expensive.  We have been fortunate in previous years to get our tomatoes from a…