An essential trip to Perry Bridge for tomatoes


Tomato sauce is an essential for my younger daughter’s family.  I make the sauce which has become the firm favourite for the family.  We had been hoping to get sauce tomatoes from the local greengrocer but the price was a bit expensive.  We have been fortunate in previous years to get our tomatoes from a farmer at Perry Bridge but last year he didn’t have a crop.  We were lucky this year as he had an advertisement in the local paper saying that he had tomatoes for sale this year so we made the 150 km round trip to get the tomatoes. $15 for a ten kilo box.

We also bought some capsicum from him and I already had the garlic and onions.

The box had ten kilos so I cooked the sauce in 2 kilo lots.

I prepared each of the spice lots and chopped the tomatoes and onions in 5 batches.

Here you can see I have completed two batches and there are three waiting for the next lot of cooking.I chop the onion in the food processor but do the tomatoes by hand.

This lets you see if the sauce is ready for bottling.  This wasn’t ready as you can see that the liquid has separated.  The mixture needed to be cooked for longer.

It took two days to complete the ten kilos but it was well worth it.

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