Around the Bay

Around the Bay is a fund raising ride held in Melbourne to raise money for the Smith Family which is a charity for disadvantaged children. The ride has different routes and distances, ranging from 20km to 300km.  I think the first start time was 5.00am. The group that I ride with started last year with…

We did it.

The Metung Bike Chicks took part in the M.S. Melbourne Cycle on the weekend.  This is the second time the group have ridden the 50 km route, the first time was to raise money for The Smith Family, this time was to raise money for the fight against multiple sclerosis. We were delighted to finish…

Riding to fight MS

This Sunday, I’ll be riding 50km in the MS Melbourne Cycle to fight MS! Multiple sclerosis strikes young people in the prime of their lives, and there is no known cure. The average age of diagnosis is just 30 years old. My ride won’t be easy, but it’s nothing compared to what people living with…

We did it and we have the medallion too.

I have had a memorable weekend with a group of wonderful women.  We had a ball.Our Around the Bay ride was on Sunday 7th October.  We had to be at the start by seven o’clock and it was the first day of Daylight Saving so it really was an early start.  We managed and were…

Ride of The Lions

Because I follow rugby associated tweets on Twitter I came across this.A group of ex British and Irish Lions plus a group of ex Wallabies are cycling from Melbourne to Sydney, carrying the Official match ball for the final test in Sydney. They are doing this to raise money for Walking With the Wounded and…

The serendipities of life. . . .

One of the delights of blogging is correspondence with fellow bloggers. I  have been following a blog called “ Serendipities of Life” posted by Frank Burns.  Frank, like myself, is a retired teacher. At the moment he is travelling in Australia, making his way from Sydney to Melbourne by bicycle.  He has just completed a trip…