“Don’t sweat the small stuff”

That is the title of a book, published in 1997, that I have not read but I have now got a desk calendar that is entitled “Don’t sweat the small stuff” You can read a review of the book here. Richard Carlson offers 100 meditations crafted to keep your emotions in check, cherish family and…

The school of essential ingredients

From the cover: Every Monday night eight strangers gather for a cooking class taught by a chef whose alchemy in the kitchen is legendary.  However, it soon becomes clear that they have all come seeking a recipe for something beyond the kitchen and Lillian is no ordinary teacher. One by one, her charges are transformed…

A fable or a fairytale? Take your pick.

This lovely little book The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho is one that I obviously missed in my earlier years as the version that I have just read was the 10th Anniversary edition. This amazing little book holds the world record for the most translated book of a living author. This story, dazzling in its powerful…

More contemplation or thoughts

New Year seems to get me in a contemplative mood. I thought I would like to share this little newspaper cutting which is permanently on my noticeboard, although it does get moved about on the noticeboard, as you can see by the pinholes. The cutting belonged to my father and somehow I have it.  I…