Some aspects of my morning Metung walks .

We are so fortunate to have so many walking tracks around Metung.  I can find many different trails to use for my morning walk but I tend to stay with my favourite ones.  I recently did a five kms  five days challenge just for something different.  My usual walk is closer to 7 km.  It…

Some recent weather events

Australia has had some fairly severe weather recently with floods being the most recent.  Fortunately for us we have not been troubled by flood although when we were away this week, so I could participate in a group bike ride, our village had 60mm of rainfall in one day.  That is a huge amount compared…

Trying to get the routine going.

Yesterday morning I managed to get my early morning walk done before I had to attend an appointment in Bairnsdale. The weather this morning was crisp after the super hot day we had two days previously. This is the default route I take when doing my morning walk. Part of the walk is off the…

Tuesday Travels. . .Metung Bushland Reserve

With COVID19 it means that travel has not been happening other than in our local area.  We are fortunate in that we live very close to the Metung Bushland Reserve.Recently I have been using the Reserve for part of my daily walk. On the previous few days there has been work happening on the water…

It’s finished.

Finally the extension to the boardwalk is completed.  You can now walk from Metung village to Chinamans Creek via the boardwalk.  Dull sky this morning partly due to the bushfires in Gippsland.

A bike ride

It is a couple of weeks since I was last on my bike so it was good to get our for a rideon the weekend.  I went for a ride with two other women and we rode what we call the Metung loop.  I then doubled back a bit on my own and did a…