Morning tea at the Sofitel

For Mothers’ Day my elder daughter took me out for morning tea at the Sofitel Melbourne.  One of the blogs I follow is called Lorna’s Tearoom Delights.  I will state at the beginning of this post that there is no way I can compare my description of morning tea with the mouthwatering descriptions given by Lorna. My photos also cannot compare as I completely forgot to take pictures of the food we were served.  I was so taken by surprise that we were offered a glass of wine to begin our morning tea that all thoughts of photos went from my mind, but you can see by the cake stand that there was very little left when we had finished.

sparse platesHaving forgotten to take the BEFORE picture there is only the AFTER picture.

empty plates
The hotel is in the centre of Melbourne and was ideal for what my daughter had planned for us during the day.
view of the front entry
This is the room where we had our morning tea.

A beautiful tapestry in the stairwell.

A close up of the wattle.

We were fortunate to be able to spend the whole day together and had a wonderful time.

3 Comments Add yours

  1. J2Scotland says:

    how nice that you had such a lovely day out with your daughter. I like the place where you had your tea. Morning tea is a new phrase to me and I quite like the sound of it. I laughed when you said about not getting a photo in before you started. Lorna is very patient and photographs everything so nicely before she begins a meal. I am more inclined to think of it half way through a meal, if at all. 🙂

    1. That must be the first time anyone has ever described me as ‘patient’ – you’ve made my day, Alison!

  2. What a lovely treat for Mother’s Day! That first picture made me laugh, an empty cake stand. I felt replete looking at it. 🙂 I must confess that there are occasions when I dive in and forget to take pictures, but I’m trying to train myself… There seems to be something amiss with WP, as the ‘Like’ button appears to be greyed out and I can’t click on it.

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