Tuesday travels. . . Vindolanda and Hadrian’s Wall, U.K.

Our younger daughter and son had told us about their visit to Vindolanda and we were very keen to see if it was as great as they said it was.

The first part we visited was the excavation site.

road into excavation siteIt is here where you can participate in the ongoing excavation of the site.  The day we arrived it had been raining a few days previously so there was a bit of water still about and no actual excavations taking place but that did not detract from our visit.

excavationsThe site is well signed and you get a really good picture of how the fort looked in Roman times.


We spent a great deal of time wandering around the site, amazed at all that we saw from bath house

bath houseto well-formed drains.

After wandering the site we then moved on to the museum and again spent a great deal of time looking at all that was on view.  It was absolutely amazing. I have no pictures from the museum, you will just have to trust me when I say it was amazing.

The quality of the artifacts that were discovered in the excavations is really incredible.  The writing tablets have to be seen to be believed. You really get a picture of what life was like in Roman times. You can view the tablets online here.

This is a must visit site and you must also allow a full day for viewing.

When we finished at Vindolanda we then went to a section of Hadrian’s Wall where the Roman Army Museum is located.

Hadrian's Wall

Hadrian's Wall with sheep

The museum provided excellent interactive activities for the visitor and was also well worth the visit.

If you ever get the opportunity you should certainly visit both of these tourist destinations.

4 Comments Add yours

  1. You’ve inspired me with this post, I’d love to visit this area. Those last two photos with the walls (and sheeps) make me pretty desperate to go. I wonder if I can do that some time this year, I would really like to. I see there are cafes there, too. 🙂

    1. suth2 says:

      Yes Lorna, you’re right there are cafes there. An excellent opportunity for you to do some reviews.

  2. vagabonde says:

    This is such an interesting place. I remember a couple of years ago hearing that they had found the remains of a girl killed 1800 years ago! I bet they’ll find more artifacts in the future. It sounds like a great destination to tour.

    1. suth2 says:

      It is a fascinating place. The artifacts were in such good condition including many shoes and glassware.

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