“It was the best of times. It was the worst of times”


I have just finished reading  A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens.

I can’t remember when I first read it but it must have been when I was in my teens because it didn’t leave an impact on me whereas having read it now in my sixties it has left some strong impressions on me. How I came to be reading it now is I have now got an e-reader, courtesy of flyby points. (I don’t accumulate points very quickly, never enough for flights anywhere, so exchanging the points for an e -reader was the way to go.)

A Tale of Two Cities, because it is a classic and out of copyright, is available from Project Gutenberg.

 A Tale of Two Cities is set in London and Paris before and during the French Revolution and depicts the plight of the French peasantry ill treated by the French aristocracy in the years leading up to the revolution.  It also shows the brutality demonstrated by the revolutionaries toward the former aristocrats in the early years of the revolution.  There are parallels shown with life in London during the same period and the novel follows the lives of several characters through these events. 


I will say at this point that I am still not a fan of the e-reader and if I had the option I would choose a hard copy rather than the e-version, still, the e-reader will be good for when we are travelling.

I absolutely loved A Tale of Two Cities.  Dickens use of language is superb and his manner of story telling lets you envisage all that is happening within the scene.  When I had finished the book I joined the local DVD hire shop to see if I could get a copy of the most recent movie version – 1980.

tv movie 1980 I had no luck in finding that so I thought they may have the 1958 version

1958or perhaps the original version – 1935.  It is a classic after all!

Poster - A Tale of Two Cities (1935)_01No luck on that front either so I borrowed Blue Jasmine instead!

You can also get a version of A Tale of Two Cities for children in the well known Ladybird Books.

ladybird book

A Tale of Two Cities will go on my Historical Fiction Reading Challenge.

4 Comments Add yours

  1. I haven’t read this but I know some people claim it as their favourite Dickens book. I’m reassured that you still prefer paper books. I see the attraction of e-readers but I can’t imagine not wanting to pick up a proper book, turn the pages and read the print from paper rather than a screen. Great to get the reader free though.

    1. suth2 says:

      Great Expectations is my favourite Dickens book.
      I still love the tactile experience of a paper book rather than the e-reader.

      1. That’s my favourite Dickens book, too (could be something to do with the fact that it’s the only one I’ve read).

  2. Jennifer says:

    You will get used to the e-reader! I am an old bookseller myself and thought I would die rather than not own the books I was reading …….. then my son bought me a Kindle and I am hooked. I like it because I can make the type bigger and the text doesn’t get lost in the middle of the book. I still love book books ——-

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