Follow that path.. . . .Tuesday travels

Yorkshire has some fantastic pathways but you really need to know what you are about. I have included several photos to let you see the type of directions you follow when you are on your walks.  Some of the pathways are so difficult to find and some are impossible to navigate.  We tended to stick…

Now that is a decent sized jar!

Our olive tree has now seriously started to produce fruit.  I have posted in previous years how we only had a few olives as it was a  very young tree and so we only ever had small jars of olives.  This year we had a good crop and have been able to preserve a large…

Second version of a previous project.

Some years ago I knitted a dress for one of our granddaughters.  The dress has been passed down to our youngest granddaughter and she has worn it a few times but now she can no longer get it over her head.  The dress was knitted from the bottom up so I should be able to…

Chocolates or health balls, take your pick.

I’m not too sure what to call these as they could be chocolates or they could be health balls.  I think it will depend on my needs when I eat one! I found the recipe on the internet but I only took a screen shot so I don’t have the source but the recipe is…

Is your wardrobe in crisis?

We were in Melbourne recently and when there I always visit the bookshops.  I have been fairly good this year in limiting my book buying and tend to use the library more frequently but I couldn’t pass up the chance to go to the bookshops and of course there were books I wanted to buy….