January almost gone.

I can’t believe that we are almost into February.  Where did that last month go?  When I was out on my morning walk yesterday I noticed the school bus was back.  It is usually parked outside our local primary school. Our local school is only small and the children go to high school in one…

How good is your articulation?

Recently I was fortunate to have my family staying with us for a few days.  It was the first time we had been able to get together since before COVID struck so it was quite some time ago.  It was so good to be able to have time to have a proper catch up and…

When did you last do a jigsaw?

I can’t remember the last time I did a jigsaw by myself.  I have done jigsaws with my youngest granddaughter but not one on my own for many years.  I bought myself a jigsaw when I was in Melbourne just before Christmas.  I haven’t done the jigsaw yet but the family worked on it during…

Are you attempting Wordle online?

There has been so much on social media about the word puzzle called Wordle. I was intrigued and thought I would give it a go. First I had to find out which particular Wordle it was as there are several apps you can use or you can opt for Wordle online. I discovered that the…

Our very own Winter Festival

It is winter here in Australia and here in East Gippsland we are having our very own winter festival for the first time. A festival which includes workshops, beautiful art installations, wine, local produce and live music. The Festival has venues throughout the East Gippsland region and Metung has several events to look forward to…

I discovered this online

I missed when this wonderful reading started but I am slowly catching up.  The reading is up to Day 29.  I think most folks my age would have read The Ancient Mariner when they were at school.  I wish I had the opportunity to have access to the mix of art, poetry and scientific research…