New growth appearing

We were fortunate that the bushfires didn’t reach Metung but the hot weather did a bit of damage to our gardens here.  Many plants suffered in the heat, even the Australian native plants and we lost a few of our less well established plants to the heat.  One of the plants that we thought had…

Billabong walk

On my walk today I thought I would take some pictures of a section of the walk I have been doing recently. This section is called The Billabong Walk. Most of you would have heard of a billabong from the song Waltzing Matilda where there is the line: “Once a jolly swagman camped by a…

Back to Banksia. . .

I have been looking for quite some time to find a plant called Banksia coccinea, in fact I have been looking for so long that my elder daughter said I should let it go. I posted before about this particular plant. Today we asked again at several nurseries if they had it, but all to…

Broken banksia branch – beautiful bowl of blooms!

Yesterday we discovered that a branch had broken off our banksia in the back yard.  We think that borers were the cause of the problem. You can see where my husband neatened up the broken part of the tree. The tree is unusual in that the needles on it are variegated, or at least look…

Not a beach brolly but a rain brolly. Bummer again.

Cape Conran was our destination with Sandy yesterday but again we were thwarted by the weather.  It was drizzly for most of the day.  The national park is certainly a beautiful place to visit but it would be even better if the sun was out. The area is noted for its beautiful banksia trees.  I…