Good neighbours

We were sad to say farewell to our good neighbour who left for Melbourne this morning. He has been our neighbour for about six years and we have thoroughly enjoyed his company and the company of his partner during this time.  We will miss them. Hopefully we will be able to catch up with them…

Happiness is. . . .

I received a phone call last night and at the end of it I could feel that I was uplifted by it.  The phone call was from a very dear friend.  I am not what people would call a good friend as I am hopeless at making contact with people.  It is generally left to…

The gift of friendship

I have just spent three wonderful days with two of my friends from Canberra.  Some of you would know that I used to live in Canberra, in fact we spent 33 years of our married life in Canberra, or close by. My friends still live in Canberra and I try to catch up with them…

The serendipities of life. . . .

One of the delights of blogging is correspondence with fellow bloggers. I  have been following a blog called “ Serendipities of Life” posted by Frank Burns.  Frank, like myself, is a retired teacher. At the moment he is travelling in Australia, making his way from Sydney to Melbourne by bicycle.  He has just completed a trip…


My family is very important to me and I appreciate how lucky I am to have such a wonderful family.  I have just had a visit from some friends of mine and I realise that I am also very lucky to have such wonderful friends.  Although we only see each other very rarely, we are…