Tuesday Travels. . Morris and Sons, Melbourne

This is my favourite store in Melbourne.  Morris and Sons. You really have to know where to locate the store as it is not at street level.  The store is above Dymocks Book Store at 234 Collins Street.As you can see it is a wool shop.  Why would I be visiting a wool shop when…

A visit to Morris and Sons in Melbourne and the end result.

When I go to Melbourne a visit to the wool store Morris and Sons is always on my agenda and on my last visit with my daughter we both popped into the shop.  I was going to buy some replacement pins for my Knit Pro needles that had broken.  The shop assistant informed my that…

Purlsoho or Purlbee have you heard of either?

My elder daughter pointed me in the direction of Purlbee as she knew how I enjoyed looking for new knitting patterns and beautiful wool. Purlbee is just the site for that. A World of Inspiration: The Purl Bee, Created for You by Purl Soho  The reason I mention this is I have just completed a jumper…

An unexpected visit to the city centre of Melbourne.

I have just returned from two days in Melbourne.  I love visiting Melbourne.  This time I went down to visit a Craft and Sewing Show, being held at the Caulfield Race Course, which turned out to be extremely disappointing.  I have been to a Quilt Show in Melbourne previously and had a wonderful time but…


I have been down in Melbourne for a few days.  By train it takes about three and a quarter hours – lovely relaxation time.  I had no particular purpose in visiting Melbourne other than going to “the big city” for a look. Spent quite a bit of time browsing the shops and visited the museum….