A visit to Morris and Sons in Melbourne and the end result.

When I go to Melbourne a visit to the wool store Morris and Sons is always on my agenda and on my last visit with my daughter we both popped into the shop.  I was going to buy some replacement pins for my Knit Pro needles that had broken.  The shop assistant informed my that if I sent the broken pins to the store I would get replacements for free as they had a lifetime guarantee,  I was thrilled with that.  The pins that had broken were bamboo and I opted to replace them with steel ends as I find I put too much strain on the pins when knitting and if they are fine then the end result is breakage.

While we were in the shop we noticed a lovely hot water bottle cover featuring Kate Davies ‘s Sheep’s Heid pattern.  The pattern was for free so I got one of those to take home.  I didn’t need to buy any wool as I knew I had scraps at home suitable for the pattern.

A very quick knit and this is the end product. Without the bottle and with the bottle.

IMG_3966IMG_3967There was a blank graph sheet that came with the pattern so I am now making a cover that features Stormtroopers from StarWars.  I will let you see it when it is finished.


3 Comments Add yours

  1. What a lovely story, and a delightful hot water bottle. Stormtroopers? You’re amazing!

  2. Helen says:

    I’m struggling with this pattern at the moment and that’s how I came across your lovely blog. Actually, it’s the pattern I’m struggling with, it’s my knitting ability. I’ve finally worked out the magic loop bit but have realised I’ve only ever changed colours for stripes before so now I’m trying to work out how to work the sheep in! Anyway, I’ve subscribed to your blog now and am looking forward to reading more of your updates 🙂

    1. suth2 says:

      Hi Helen,
      Thank you for visiting my blog. You have probably realised that I don’t post as frequently these days. I have been away for three weeks on holiday and then things have sort of become rather busy on the lead up to Christmas but now I will get back into posting a little more regularly.

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