The joys of family

We have been lucky recently to have had visits from both of our daughters and my sister.  I love when family visits as we all seem to appreciate each others company.When our youngest granddaughter was visiting she brought her gardening gloves and her work clothes so she could help me in the garden. She and…

Some activity at Patterson Park yesterday morning.

Yesterday morning on my walk I went past Patterson Park and noticed there was a bit of unusual activity happening.  There was a large crane, a cherry picker and some trucks labelled Tree Limits. I speculated that they were there to do some tree trimming, perhaps to make the park safer as well as to…

Some additions to Patterson Park

A woodcarver has been busy in the playground at Patterson Park.  Carvings have been made in some of the tall timbers. ‘Take off on an adventure at a moment’s notice’, ‘Find a lookout with a water view -it can change your perspective on everything’, and ‘Be yourself, everyone else is taken’. The messages are the…

Patterson Park in peak time

The summer holidays are a time when Metung has an influx of visitors.  We have had mixed weather so far during the holidays but for a few days it was really quite warm and that is when the park shows what a godsend the revamp was. The park upgrade was officially opened in March 2015….

Final episode of Patterson Park, Metung.

This is a video I took this morning after the park opened yesterday. Unfortunately the water play area is not operational.  I hope that is fixed before the holidays start.

Patterson Park to open December 13th

Thanks to Jess for letting me know that the park is due to open on 13th December. I went down to the park this morning to get some more pictures on the progress. When I returned home and logged onto WordPress I found that Jess had left a message saying that the park was due to open…