More Tour preparation

One of the SBS cycling commentators, David McKenzie, tweeted about a special pack that was being offered by the Bright Brewery for during the Tour de France. The pack is called Tour de Froth. Very clever as the pack contains 21 beers, one for each stage of the Tour. During the Tour it is part…

My favourite sporting event

The Tour de France starts in two weeks time and I am getting myself organised for watching.  Because I am in the southern part of the world it means that the watching happens late at night and into the early hours of the next day. I have received my ordered Tour Guide and have been…

Getting ready. . . .

Getting ready with my pre-race reading for the Tour de France.  We really are spoilt for choice with sport at the moment. Mitchelton-Scott, the Australian based team, have announced their team for the Tour and I am disappointed that Caleb Ewan is not included in the team for the Tour but there has been a…

Most of us have been on a diet at some stage in our lives.

I have just finished reading The Diet Myth by Tim Spector and by sheer coincidence there was a television program on SBS television last night about that very thing. If you are in Australia you can find the TV program on SBS On Demand here. My husband bought the book after listening to a radio…

Metung finish of the Lakes Oil Tour

Saturday was the finish of Stage 7 of the Lakes Oil Tour of Gippsland.  We were able to get down to the village centre for the finish of the race. We had good weather although it was quite breezy. There were some swanky looking bikes parked at one of the local cafes. We were provided…