Off on some travel soon

I have not been on WordPress for quite some time.  I really have no excuse other than saying that other things seem to have taken precedence. I will mention a couple of books I have read recently that I found very easy reading and fitted in with my planning of some overseas travel. Both of…

Upholstering a chair pad

My son and his partner asked me if I would be willing to upholster a chair pad for a dining chair that they had.  The chair was old and was desperately in need of repair. I have done a bit of upholstery work in the past but only recovering original chairs not any work that…

Homemade yoghurt, a blast from the past.

Originally posted on Gippsland Granny:
When our kids were little I used to make yoghurt as we consumed a fair amount.  It was cheaper to make your own than to buy the commercial yoghurt. We bought a Decor Dairyo way back in 1983 and it was used regularly until the thermometer was dropped by me!…

Dahlias again

I posted about my purchase of three dahlia tubers a while back so I can now let you know how they have progressed. We had a very wet Spring which I think gave the plants a good start.  I had also planted the tubers in the vegetable patch where they get watered every day. The…

January almost gone.

I can’t believe that we are almost into February.  Where did that last month go?  When I was out on my morning walk yesterday I noticed the school bus was back.  It is usually parked outside our local primary school. Our local school is only small and the children go to high school in one…

Growing ginger

I have tried a few times to grow ginger but have not been successful but I think this year I might have managed to do it. If you check out ginger growing on the internet it seems as though it is an easy thing to do but I have obviously been doing something wrong or…