Sculptures in the centre of Canberra

I was recently in Canberra, our nation’s capital.

I was in the central shopping part of Canberra where I came across some new street art.

There were a couple of new sculptures.

There were also some old sculptures. This sheep one is my favourite.

When Canberra was chosen as the site for the nation’s capital someone said that it would be a good sheep paddock spoiled. I can’t remember who it was that said it.

Many years ago there was even a segment on State line about this sculpture:

JANE BARNEY:this is a work by an artist call Les Kosatz and it’s been inspired by a fellow called James Ainslie, after whom the suburb of Ainslie was named. James Ainslie was a manager employed on the Duntroon station which back in the 1800’s extended as far as the city including Glebe Park. But when James Ainslie arrived he managed to get the sheep flock up from 700 to 20,000 in 12 years. So Les Kosatz is trying to incorporate some of that part of Canberra’s history and folklore into this work here.

But certainly you know Australia was really built on the sheep’s back and I think this work sort of acknowledges that and I think there is a really beautiful contrast between putting the sheep who rightfully belong in a paddock into the middle of a busy bustling city centre.

I also like the “Canberra Times Fountain” This fountain was donated by the local newspaper, Federal Capital Press in 1976 and installed in 1979 as a gift to the people of Canberra.

Although I no longer live in Canberra I still think it is a beautiful city.

One Comment Add yours

  1. Northern Narratives says:

    I like street art and I have a special fondness for water fountains.

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