Caithness and swimming in the North Sea, but not this time.



On our recent overseas trip one of the places I reacquainted myself with was part of the coast of Caithness.  My uncle had a farm on the coast and during the school holidays my brother and sisters and I used to spend time with our cousins.  We always had great fun and one of the highlights was visiting what was known as “The Poolie”.  The poolie is a rock pool, best described as being at the bottom of a cliff.

The rubber dinghy (airman’s collapsible rubber boat) was courtesy of my father who was a pilot in the Royal Air Force. I remember it being bright orange and requiring quite a bit of puff to get it inflated!

We all used to traipse down to the poolie and spent many a happy time there.  My aunt must have been a very trusting soul to allow us to go down there.  When we visited recently,  the trip down was every bit as treacherous as I remembered it as a child!

The cliff going down

This gives you some idea of the environment of this tranquil pool.

The Poolie at BurrigleWhen we revisited it brought back many happy memories .  Quite a trip back up to safe ground!

Part of the climb back up.

8 Comments Add yours

  1. Wow, that’s awesome! Maybe I’m crazy, but doesn’t it seem like we had a lot more fun back when kids were allowed to have somewhat risky adventures?

    1. suth2 says:

      I totally agree. We used to head off in the morning with a bottle of water and some sandwiches and play in the woods on the weekends and holidays! Not sure if that happens nowadays.

      1. If we came in the house we were put to work. We city kids would drink out of any neighbor’s garden hose to keep that from happening!

        1. suth2 says:

          Yes, I can remember staying out of sight, out of mind!!

  2. I can imagine what fun you must have had there, what a wonderful looking pool. I agree with you and Marian, I’m glad my parents gave me the freedom they did. It must have been lovely to revisit those happy memories. I like your new festive look blog by the way.

    1. suth2 says:

      Thank you, the festive look is supplied by WordPress. No hard work on my part.

  3. Northern Narratives says:

    It looks like great fun and I also like your new look 🙂

    1. suth2 says:

      Thank you, a change is as good as a holiday they say!

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