Tuesday travels. . . . Utah Beach, Normandy


Utah BeachI thought it rather poignant the juxtapostion of the child’s beach toy next to the signpost for Utah Beach, the scene of such dreadful destruction.

utah beach from gun emplacementThis is a view of the beach from inside one of the gun emplacements.

gun emplacementThere are still several of the gun emplacements visible along the beach.


This is the only monument to the US Navy and list all the battleships involved in Overlord.

museumThere is a museum to commemorate the allied landings in Normandy and it gives a detailed portrayal of the events as they took place on D Day.

A visit to Utah Beach and the Memorial Museum reminds us of the sacrifices that were made during the war and I came away feeling deeply touched by all I read and saw.  Another place in Normandy that is well worth visiting.

One Comment Add yours

  1. I would like to visit. It looks so beautiful now, so peaceful and idyllic, far removed from the D-Day landings.

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