Three weeks of late nights or early mornings, not quite sure which.


I love this time of year as it is Tour de France time.  It is almost here.  I have blogged in previous years about the Tour. Last week I purchased the official guide so have read up on all the necessary information.

official guide

Teams are gradually finalising the members for the actual race and I am happy that Jens Voigt has been selected by Trek Factory Cycling to participate in his 17th Tour de France.   He was so keen to participate this year as it means he equals the record for the most tours. O’Grady and Hincappie being the only others who have ridden 17th Tours.

I am looking forward to watching all the Australian riders particularly the Australians in the Orica GreenEdge Team.  I think this year sees a large contingent of Australian cyclists on various teams.  Another rider I watch with interest is Michael Rogers, I taught him when he was a high school student.  He is on Alberto Contador’s team.

There are 32 Australians who ride on professional cycling teams but not all of those will be competing in the Tour.  Cadel Evans for example decided to concentrate on the Giro D’Italia this year rather than the Tour.

One of the bloggers I follow lives in Yorkshire and she is eagerly awaiting the start of the Tour.  Having spent some time in Yorkshire on our last holiday in the UK I am looking forward to seeing if I recognise any of the countryside.  This year the first three stages will be held in the UK. before moving across the Channel to Europe.

I love the Tour and all that goes with it.  It is even more enjoyable these days as there are various tweets to follow as well as Instagram. What with the SBS Tour Tracker on my phone I am in 7th heaven.  I might even manage to get some knitting done.

Tour tracker


6 Comments Add yours

  1. Frank Burns says:

    …this is a sport (the only sport) I will be following on TV, but only after seeing some of stage three roadside near Cambridge…….just a cycle ride away…;0)

    1. suth2 says:

      You are so lucky. I would love to be able to catch a glimpse of them as they whizz by. Maybe one year we will be in France when the Tour is on.

  2. Jennifer says:

    Sounds like fun ……… I’m going to see if I can find this on satellite TV. I finally received The Seamstress and it’s next on my book list …………

    1. suth2 says:

      I am a bit nervous about your reaction to The Seamstress. I do hope you enjoy it.

  3. Hello,
    Smiling away as I read this blog of yours, as I hope it is me you mention about living in Yorkshire as Le Tour goes right through our village!! The place is looking so fantastic… we have little knitted sweaters swathed around the village like bunting. The “no parking bollards” have been painted yellow, green and white with red spots, and the trees in the grounds of the local church are filled with weeny knitted jumpers! Even the bridal shop has added a bike swathed in yellow ribbons, bunting among the mannequins with the beautiful wedding dresses… this made me smile sooOOo much! I have filled my hanging basket outside the front door with yellow trailing flowers. The pub has a “count down” sign up that they change daily saying how many more days left before Le Tour is here!
    Bye for now…. Jay x

    1. suth2 says:

      Hi Jay,
      Yes it was you I was thinking of. It sounds as though all is ready for the big day. I am certainly ready for my late nights. Great to see that the shop keepers are taking part in the festivities too.

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