A $2 buy at the Book Fair

What a little gem this was, 160 pages.  It is only a small book and it can be read in a couple of hours but it was delightful. Philosophical musings on what makes a happy and fulfilled life.

“One of the bestselling authors of Plato and a Platypus Walk Into a Bar travels to Greece with a suitcase full of philosophy books, seeking the best way to achieve a fulfilling old age.  Daniel Klein journeys to the Greek island Hydra to discover the secrets of aging happily. Drawing on the lives of his Greek friends, as well as philosophers ranging from Epicurus to Sartre, Klein learns to appreciate old age as a distinct and extraordinarily valuable stage of life. He uncovers simple pleasures that are uniquely available late in life, as well as headier pleasures that only a mature mind can fully appreciate. A travel book, a witty and accessible meditation, and an optimistic guide to living well, Travels with Epicurus is a delightful jaunt to the Aegean and through the terrain of old age led by a droll philosopher.

Klein provides a nudge to his readers to reflect and review one’s thoughts on “OLD AGE”, arguing that “it is to be embraced, savored and enjoyed as the stage of life that allows time for rumination, for simpler pleasures and for nurturing friendships.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. $2 gem! I bought this new. Lent it to a friend, but it never came back. I’ll be looking for another copy 🙂

    1. suth2 says:

      I hope you find one. My husband read this after me and he told me to keep the book, not take it to the second hand book shop which is what I usually do.

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