Much needed book catchup

The books I have read since I last posted an entry which was in August. August The Catch by T.M. Logan Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City. by Matthew Desmond Scary Monsters by Michelle de Krester The Curfew by T. M. Logan The Chancellor: The remarkable odyssey of Angela Merkel byKati Marton The…


So strange that this quote is at the beginning of this book being read during Australia’s push to get everyone vaccinated and AstraZenta is a hot topic during COVID.  The book was first published in 2003. This is the fifth novel in the China Thrillers series. “A top Chinese swimmer kills himself on the eve…

Lots of book reading in lockdown

If you look at my Book Challenges Page for 2021 you will see that August has been a month of very serious reading.  I don’t think I have read so many books in a month before.  Here is just one of August’s reads. A new author I have discovered is Matt Nable.  One of my…

A new book series for me.

Three of the books I bought at the bookshop in Maffra were by the author Peter May.  I have written about him in previous blog posts and the three books are part of a series called The China Thrillers. The first book is called The Firemaker. Taken from the back cover of the book. “LI…

Great non fiction read

This little book was picked up for $1 at the book fair. Again it was a case of the the book cover catching my eye, but this time it was the title that sparked my interest. Not for all the tea in China is an idiom that is part of the English language. The book…

Ages since I last added to my 2021 Reading Challenge

This book caught my eye in the bookshop at Bright.  It reminded me of another book I had read. . . . I liked the sound of the blurb on the back so bought it and I will admit that I read it quickly.  While reading the book I was also reminded of Stasiland by Anna…