A bike ride from Nicholson to Bruthen and back.

The ride is 21 kms each way and it was a beautiful day for a ride. Along the way there is a huge wombat burrow where the soil that has been removed by the wombat has started to pile up on the cycle trail. You can see where the orange gravel/dirt has spread onto the…

It really wasn’t the weather for a bike ride

A couple of days ago my husband and I set off for Port Welshpool in Victoria.  I was going for a bike ride with a new group of riders, one of whom I had met on a previous ride I had done and she invited me to join this group on a ride of the…

An escape before stage 3 again

I managed to get away for a weekend of bike riding with the Bike Chicks.  We were fortunate to get a trip as we are in an area of Victoria with no active cases of COVID19 and travel was permitted within Victoria outdside the exclusion zone of metropolitan Melbourne. We had booked a stay at…

Gippsland Lakes Discovery Trail

Yesterday i went for a bike ride on the Gippsland Lakes Discovery Trail.  It is nine years at least since I was last on this trail when I did part of the trail with my husband.  We rode from Forestec that time, this time I rode from Bruce’s Road. The trail starts off on open…

Look at this bike trail.

How smooth is that? For some time now the condition of the surface of our local bike trail has left much to be desired.  There were many potholes and the ride was rather rugged.  We have been fortunate in having the trail resurfaced recently so now all is smooth on the ride from Nicholson to…

Getting in some practice for our next group bike ride.

On Sunday 6th October I am participating in the Around the Bay Ride in Melbourne and I aim to finish the 100km route.  The ride is to raise money for the Smith Family to help disadvantaged children. We have been trying to build up the number of kms we ride when we do our group…