On being a wife, mother and grandmother.

I am thoroughly enjoying retirement and spending time with my husband. We have the opportunity to do things together that we didn’t have while the family was growing up at home. They are all now well and truly independent with their own families or living on their own. When I am happiest is when I…

It’s not just a pile of stones.

The pile of stones to which I am referring is the Great Cairn of Barnenez in Brittany and it is the largest megalithic mausoleum in Europe as well as one of the world’s oldest, older than the Egyptian pyramids. It really just looks like a large stone mound that has been carefully shaped.  Apparently it…

Oh to be back in Scotland! Can’t wait for our next holiday.

I just had to post this video. The video is also a true picture of the beauty of Caithness. We saw the eco lodges being built when we were at John o’Groats and. . . . I still have some Old Pulteney liqueur from Wick. A lovely honey tasting whisky liqueur.

Whether the weather makes a difference.

We have been working on the new back path in the garden but unfortunately the weather has caused us to cease work on that project for a couple of days. Hopefully the weather will be better tomorrow so that work can progress. I have been busy painting the back pergola/patio area and that also has…

Carhaix or Car . . .eh!

We were fortunate enough to visit the town when the cars were assembling for the 32nd Tour de Bretagne. We had no idea that it was such a big event. We had gone in to Carhaix to visit the market and were surprised to find a variety of old cars parked in the streets. We…