Slipper lobsters, Balmain bugs, Moreton Bay bugs

This weekend is the Labour Day weekend holiday in Victoria.

Celebrating the Australian labour movement and specifically the achievement of a working day limited to eight hours, the Labour Day public holiday is fixed by the various state and territory governments, and so varies considerably. It is the first Monday in October in the Australian Capital TerritoryNew South Wales and South Australia. In both Victoria and Tasmania, it is the second Monday in March (though the latter calls it Eight Hours Day). In Western Australia, Labour Day is the first Monday in March. In both Queensland and the Northern Territory, it is the first Monday in May. (Wikipedia)

We are both retired so the weekend holiday is not as special as it once was when we were working, nonetheless my husband decided it would be a good excuse to get some seafood for dinner as a special treat.Seafood for dinnerWe didn’t do anything special to the seafood just prepared our seafood sauce and then proceeded  to eat with a little lemon juice and bread and butter.

bugsThese are known by a variety of names, slipper lobsters, Balmain bugs and Moreton Bay bugs.  The Balmain bug name is the Sydney version or New South Wales version and the Moreton Bay bug is the Queensland version.

The prawns we had were king prawns.

prawnsThis is our seafood sauce recipe:

3 tblsp mayonnaise

3 tblsp tomato sauce

1 tblsp brandy

4 tblsp cream

1 dessertsp Worcestershire sauce

few drops Tabasco sauce

salt and pepper

Apparently a Moreton Bay bug  is one of the foods you must eat before you die! It comes after Clam Chowder.

3 Comments Add yours

  1. Very fresh seafood served with a simple sauce and lemon wedges is hard to beat. The slipper lobsters look intriguing, I’ve never eaten them before as they are not found round our shores, thanks, Tracey

  2. diannegray says:

    YUM! Just the title of this is making me hungry! We had prawns for dinner last night and I must get hubby back in the boat we can get some fresh mud crabs 😀

  3. I’ve never seen these before, the wealth of variety in our seas is astonishing. I hope you enjoyed your weekend – it looks as if you did!

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