The roadside on our trip to Canberra from Metung

We recently spent a week in Canberra and we were able to drive there via our usual route which had been cleared for public access after being closed for some time during the bushfire crisis.The drive is via the Princes Highway to Cann River and then the Monaro Highway to Cooma and Canberra. It was…

Tuesday travels. . . .this time in Australia. . .Genoa

Because we were in Sydney last week we did the road trip from Metung to Sydney via the coast.  We usually go via Canberra as our younger daughter and son live in Canberra as does my sister. We went to Sydney via the Princes Highway with which Frank from Serendipities of Life is well acquainted…

The serendipities of life. . . .

One of the delights of blogging is correspondence with fellow bloggers. I  have been following a blog called “ Serendipities of Life” posted by Frank Burns.  Frank, like myself, is a retired teacher. At the moment he is travelling in Australia, making his way from Sydney to Melbourne by bicycle.  He has just completed a trip…