Cows, calves, sheep, alpacas and assorted machinery

The East Gippsland Field Days are extremely popular here in Gippsland. Field DaysIt is a chance for the local agricultural businesses and retail traders to show their wares.  The local schools also play a large part in the field days using the day to raise some funds for their respective schools. We haven’t been to the Field Days for a couple of years.  The last time we went, 2010, our grandson was only a little one and we took him for the day.  He seemed to enjoy himself.

This year we were hoping to find a set of metal tongs for our fire.  You can buy fireside tools in a set but we just wanted a pair of tongs.  Even thought there were many tool displays and wood-burning stove stalls we were not able to find any tongs.  Despite that we had an enjoyable day and the weather was just right.

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