A passion for passionfruit


Since moving to Metung we thought we would be able to grow passionfruit without too much difficulty as the climate is more temperate here than the weather in Canberra.  In the five years we have been here we have planted three passionfruit. The first two were grafted plants and the type was Nellie Kelly Grafted Black.  We had no luck whatsoever as both plants died.  Before I bought another plant I took the time to ask the nurseryman why I had no luck with the previous two plants I had bought. ( I didn’t buy them at this particular nursery.)  He informed me that for some reason he found that the grafted passionfruit were not so successful as those that were none grafted and he recommended a different plant for me. This is the plant that we purchased.

ungrafted passionfruitNaturally I was prepared to give it a go as I did so want to have a passionfruit vine.  I had visions of passionfruit sponge and pavlova with passionfruit, passionfruit ice cream . . . you get the general idea.

Tah Dah! We have success with this new plant.  It is now in its second year and look what we have.passionfruit flower

Our first flower.  I am hoping that it converts into a fruit and I am also hoping that we will see a few more flowers.

The vine is in an ideal spot so hopefully it will be productive.

passionfruit vine It has taken us a while to get this far but I think we might be on the right track for passionfruit pavlova etc.  I can but hope.

Classic Passion Fruit Pavlova_001



5 Comments Add yours

  1. Kate says:

    Our Nellie Kellie yielded over 100 fruit the first year! However that is in Port Macquarie’s ideal climate!

    1. suth2 says:

      Oh! I am so envious. I hope ours is as successful as that.

  2. Rachael says:

    At the very least, this is a very cool vine ……..

    1. suth2 says:

      Thank you. Hopefully productive.

      1. Rachael says:

        Crossing my fingers!

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