Too much water


The recent heavy rains in January proved to be too much for our road to cope with.  The road out the front of our house is a dirt road and there is a culvert just to the right of our property.  The culvert flooded as the dirt from the road and surrounding properties blocked the drain so the water built up and flooded the road.

I sent an email to the shire letting them know of the problem and they said they would attend to it.  The following week a water tanker and a big truck arrived on the road.

The truck housed machinery that is capable of blasting water out at 1000psi.  The workman from the truck told me that the force would slice my arm off if I was in the way.

It didn’t take them long to clear the blockage but they didn’t clear away the debris that was close to the drain so it will probably fill up again.The following week more machinery arrived and the road was graded and watered several times.  The workman told me that the shire plans to asphalt the road but that hasn’t happened yet.

4 Comments Add yours

  1. These rains seem to be prevalent this January in so many parts of the world. We have been experiencing large volumes of water and the water tables have reached capacity.

    1. suth2 says:

      It has been six years since we had such a heavy downpour.

  2. barbora says:

    Oh gosh, happy to hear that all got sorted out! We had weather extremes this January here on the east coast of Spain : beginning of the month we had snow nearly on the coast, strong winds and end of January wearing just t-shirts!

    1. suth2 says:

      The weather has certainly been giving us some extremes.

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