iRunner but I’m really an iWalker and it is a great app.

iRunner is an app that I recently discovered for use on my phone.

iRunner appNow when I go for my walk I can find out how far I have walked, how many calories I have burned and a map of where I have been.  I can also use it for when I go on my bike rides. You can set the app to let you know when you have covered a certain distance or a certain period of time.  For example I set it to tell me when I have covered a kilometre and when I have done 30 minutes. Those distances are then marked on your map.

iRunnerI can compare my results with previous walks I have taken.



All this for a free app.


I am a bit stingy and am reluctant to spend money on apps so I usually get the free ones.  This app is excellent and I am almost tempted to “buy” the sensors which would give me a reading for my blood pressure and other things.

You can also sync your results to and get the comparisions on your computer and if you really want to you can compare with others. 🙂 I don’t because I don’t want to embarrass myself.


If you want to check out the iRunner app you can find it here.

Have you found an app that is useful for you?

2 Comments Add yours

  1. ajb47 says:

    that is so amazing! I like it. I’m not a runner myself and if honest, barely a walker but this would be handy and somewhat motivational. I confess I’m a free app buyer too. I’ve bought a couple of kindle books but for the apps, I mostly search out the free ones.

  2. That looks great! I’ve never bought any apps and know virtually nothing about them, but I think I would be glad of this one. I’m going to check it out, thank you.

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